In this blog you will find out the main fundamentals of leadership. Leadership is important in every phase of your life. Some people misunderstand it, they think leadership qualities are just for the special ones. Leadership has different levels, the first level implies to everyone. The first level is leadership of your own self. You should lead your own self. Now let's talk about the actual leadership. Nowadays i've seen a lot of people assuming themselves to be a leader and a superior entity. If you assume that you are superior to others because you are a leader then you are not even a leader.
"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority"
                                        -Kenneth blanchard
Your will to lead a movement makes you a leader. Even if you are not selected to be a leader still you can lead. A good leader will never show his superiority even if he is superior. Leaders push from back, they never give orders to work hard from the front. We all should improve our leadership skills. It is important to influence people wherever you go. Be a good leader, a leader whose orders don't seem like orders. The ones who become leaders just to give orders or to assume that they are superior are nothing but just fools. So i hope you all are now aware of the right leadership. Thanks for reading i hope you all liked it.


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